Sunday, November 12, 2006


I would take walks
In places in my bedroom
I've never seen before
Light a candle
For the mosquitos
And the Zen master

I would pack my clothes
In even sizes and packages
In well segregated shelves

Just after I had dusted them off

I would take the leaf
I had pressed years ago
In my astronomy handbook
And blow it outside

Away from the gift it never was

I would write this with black ink
Or white ink
But something tells me
It wouldn't matter anyway

I miss you and I like it

Monday, November 06, 2006


Imi aduc aminte cum, la Barcelona, din douazeci de zile, doua nu ai putut sa stai cu mine, trei ai fost bolnava, si patru ai fost la ciclu.

Si nu pot sa uit cum am carat impreuna geamantanele, cum ti-am adus in pat bucatele de paine prajita cu
Camembert sau cum au fost primele zile dupa ciclu.

Mai tin minte mirosul din holul cladirii, pana de curent, cum canta cineva in apartamentul de sub noi la un instrument pe care nu pot sa-l identific nici acum.

A trecut mult timp de atunci, iar eu acum privesc lumea din afara, cautand toate acele lucruri in diminetile limpezi si noaptea tarziu, cand se trezesc florile de regina noptii.